I am fortunate to be a member of Virgin Health Miles and using their pedometer with monitoring to get my body moving more and loving the physical shape that is improving with the consistency of walking 7000+ steps every day! Check out this blog post for summer tips that can benefit your health and happiness!
Read below, or visit: HealthMiles Blog

Bask in the summer fun but avoid the Gotchas!

Summer means longer days, fun in the sun, water and outdoor activities, and people gatherings where food is a plenty.  With summer officially here in the northern hemisphere, we’ve got a few more daylight hours.  And that means more time (early mornings and evenings) to head outside and cash in on the fun.  Check out our summer tips, and oh yeah, watch out for those gotchas!

Summer Tips:

  • Try waking up earlier to take in the fresh morning air and go for a brisk walk, jog or a run.  It’s a great way to get your blood circulating and your day started.  Or go for a walk after dinner when the heat of the day has subsided.  It’s a great way to burn off some calories.  Get family or friends to join in and make it a special time to catch up – free of the distractions of TVs, phones and other electronics.
  • Take some vacation time to clear your mind and rest your body.  Stress reduction does the body and mind GREAT!
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are especially bountiful in the summer months.  Seek out local farmers’ markets or grow your own.  Herbs are super easy to grow and they add tremendous flavors to your food. Taste the difference freshness makes. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables.  Why not set a goal to buck that trend!


  • The sun’s rays are hitting the earth at a more direct angle during the summer, heightening the intensity of exposure.  Over time, the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV) can damage skin, cause freckles and even pre-cancerous and cancerous cells.  So don’t forget to apply sunscreen or sunblock when you are under the sun.  Damage to the skin may not be apparent when you are young, but it certainly will show in later life.  Make sure you use a product that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
  • When boating or engaging in water activities, be careful to limit your alcohol use.  Alcohol can actually cause or worsen dehydration, not to mention impairing your coordination, concentration and judgment. Although consumed as a beverage, alcohol is no substitution for proper hydration.
  • Don’t forget to protect yourself from insect bites. If you plan to be in the woods or open fields with tall undergrowth, put on some insect repellent to avoid tick, mosquito and other bug bites.  These little critters carry diseases that can lead to rare but dangerous health issues like Lyme disease and encephalitis (swelling of the brain).  Protect yourself, don’t play the odds.
  • While outdoor grilling are tons of fun, try swapping out processed patties and meats (like burgers and hot dogs) for chicken, fish and vegetables.  Processed foods are higher in sodium, preservatives and fat content which in excess can harm your heart health.  Opt for fresh foodwhenever possible.  Summer is a great time for fresh harvest so be creative and treat your body well and your taste buds even better!