Healthy Habits

Great Skin for Summer!

Summer skin needs pampering with more than just creams or lotions to be your most beautiful whether on the beach or spending time with friends at home or at an event. Think in terms of a complete makeover that includes good food, hydration, sleep and a big dose of happiness to keep you smiling! Read more and access the ebook to get a radiant, sun-kissed glow with these tips! Click the link below to access the new ebook from the Institute [...]

By |2014-03-13T21:22:19+00:00July 7th, 2012|Healthy Habits, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Great Skin for Summer!

The Delicious Dozen: 12 Healthy Reasons to Eat an Apple a Day | SYS-CON MEDIA

With all the concerns in our food supply, lists from the Environmental Working Group are incredibly helpful for sorting out the best and worst foods from a pesticide vs. organics choice at the grocery store. EWG recently placed apples at the top of their list of foods to purchase organically due to the pesticide content that just cannot be washed off. My family has chosen organic apples for years now, mostly due to the wonderful sweetness and crisp texture that [...]

By |2014-03-13T21:45:11+00:00July 5th, 2011|Healthy Habits, Plant Based Foods|Comments Off on The Delicious Dozen: 12 Healthy Reasons to Eat an Apple a Day | SYS-CON MEDIA

Sunshine Surprise

Excerpted from a recent newsletter by The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education comes the following article: Don't believe the myth that the sun is dangerous and that sunscreen is protective! There is little scientific evidence to justify the many health campaigns that urge you to avoid unprotected sun exposure.  The potential of natural sunlight to harm you has been greatly blown out of proportion by doctors, health officials, and sunscreen manufacturers, all of whom would have you believe that you need to [...]

By |2017-05-12T12:18:24+00:00July 5th, 2011|Healthy Habits, Supplements|Comments Off on Sunshine Surprise
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